Jenna's Travels

Welcome to the account of my adventures to Singapore and Australia

What the heck am I doing halfway around the world??

Hello everyone!
This is my first ever attempt at "blogging" so bear with me as I iron out the kinks.

So, some of you may be asking... why am I in Singapore? If you already know the answer you may skip to the next paragraph. Last August Guide Dogs for the Blind (hereafter known as GDB) served a gentleman named Cheng Hock who lives in Singapore with a dog. Cheng travels frequently to the US so it wasn't too much of a stretch to provide him with a dog as all the normal services provided by GDB could still take place in the good old USA. Cheng is interested in GDB serving additional clients in the country and asked GDB to explore this possibility. Since Susan Armstrong (an Oregon campus instructor) and I were traveling to Australia to take a course at Guide Dogs Victoria (in Melbourne). GDB had us stop in Singapore to explore this possibilty. So, here I am!